You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
— Maya Angelou

Music Therapist 

Jodi McLaren is a board certified music therapist, neurologic music therapy fellow, and queer singer-songwriter. She has facilitated songwriting workshops, classes, individual and group sessions for hundreds of individuals. Jodi has worked with people with disabilities, stroke survivors, cancer survivors, inmates, kids, people with acute mental health issues, and mothers in rehab from drug addiction—making songwriting accessible, fun, and empowering by meeting people where they are. With three years of clinical work in hospitals, prisons, rehab facilities, schools, clinics, homeless youth centers, and homes, Jodi understands how to create music therapy programs for people and groups based on their needs.


Jodi McLaren is a queer singer-songwriter from Laurel, MD. She completed her first national Queer Your Living Room Candlelight tour in 2019. You can purchase her latest live album, complete with songs and stories, from the tour here.

She loves to write songs everyday, perform house concerts, and record original albums.

Her music is intimate, courageous, honest, and overflowing with love.



Jodi McLaren
Music Therapist & Singer-Songwriter

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